anyways it was time to head to Boston now....
aaah.. here comes the most interesting part...i traveled from NY to Boston on something called a LimoLiner.. a bus with comforts of a Limousine .. Check the site
A tad bit expensive... but luxury comes at a price don't you agree..??
So I happily traveled the 3 and a half hours to Boston.. with my laptop connected online and chatting and browsing to glory.
We alighted at Framingham...where my cousin came to pick me n mom up...He and his wife live in Boston.. so no hotels for us.. we were headed to home sweet home ;)
And boy oh boy.. was happy even when i stepped into the car.. a "manual gear " car after weeks...Psst most people in the US are used to automatics...but me thinks the joy of driving is in the manual cars ;)
There were three days to spend in Boston.. Lot of relaxation was on the cards cos after the hectic jiffy travel through NY and other places me n mum were a little sapped of energy.
We reached Boston early evening.. so after a little bit of freshening up we decided to meet another relative who is a student at Harvard.. so that we get a personalized tour of the worlds bestest uni...
Tour started with John Harvard' statue.. the statue of three lies ( a separate post on the three lies ;)..More of Harvard was around the square.. a church there.. a performance hall.. and the Law school Library.. one of the biggest libraries i have ever seen ;)
After the tour it was lovely home cooked food for dinner that was like the icing on the trip .
We started day two with what is called the Boston Duck Tours(comes from DUKW the name of the vehicles)...this tour popularly called an Amphibian tour is done in a vehicle from World war two era.. which can go on road as well as water..Touche'
This tour is like a snapshot of Boston... Remember history..Boston tea party.. Boston massacre.. u relive all that over here..
Architecturally I found Boston quite similar to London.. One place where perhaps the English traces are evident..
After the delightful duck tour..being the fan i am of museums.. the next stop was the Art Museum...Spectacular pieces.. not that i understand Picasso..or Michelangelo.. but art is something that one 's mind perceive.. and rightly said.. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..
Day two was for A walking tour of Boston called the Freedom trail..Now thats the spirit i liked there.. a volunteer took us around some important historic sights of Boston on a walking tour.
India has much more history i wonder why then walking tours are not made popular here too..
Thoroughly enjoyed the walkatour..after which we went to a relatives house(A typical American house with a Yard et all) in the suburbs of Boston.. aaah..what fun.. they had a trampoline in their yard..and I just found a fun way to just well JUMP!!!!
Day three afternoon we had to catch our flight back to St Louis..and kept it rather relaxed.. we only did a round of MIT...(Bro's a student of management there ;)
Yeah am lucky.. i get personal tours of the best schools of the world.. Harvard and MIT..
A round of Boston riverside..some pictures and off to the airport.. so go back to missouri state... eventful week.. fun week.... :)
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