Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sneak Peek...

Its been a while since i blogged..

Not that i dont have subjects to blog on.. but so much has been happening lately that blogging somehow got pushed to the back seat..

Been packed few months lately... a part of me hates to go back to the routine.. a part says its important to go back and do things that i have done in the past and make time for many things goign in the background..

RIght now am caught between these parts..!:)

Well lemme make my South Africa Vacation the start of the Blogging after the hibernation... :))

So soon.. Lets travel to SA!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Phooooo..... :)

This is just to bring some life into my blog... breathe of fresh air!!! :))

Will be back soon with some posts.. As soon as I finish my Dec closing.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Experiments with my Camera

Check the expirements with my Camera on a New YEars day evening photowalk...
Fuzzy , hazy all pics are up!!!

Photo walk

Bengaluru Marathon's IT City Run...

Yesterday was one of the first for me.. the first time I ran a 5 kms stretch with 1000 other people from Bangalore... I was part of Times of India's Bengaluru Midnight Marathon...

It was pretty much an impromptu decision to run the race... I decided a week back and thought i'd train atleast for a week and then run on 10th.. but it so happened that because of my work i never really did the practice bit.. ..I nevertheless wanted to run yesterday and went ahead.

It took me about 40 minutes to cover the distance.. the event was well organised with water at even points.

My feet are killing me now, but what the heck i had a great time... I even made new friends in the deal...

This new year's sure rocking... i started with a New years party where i dint know anyone but my friend and went on a run with 1000 people i dint know...

I'd say.. way to go girl!!!! ;)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Well a little late .. but hey four days is still good...I welcomed this new year with a lot of firsts...!

New years eve was a small party. On new years evening I went for a photowalk.. the first photowalk with my new camera, though i quite dint know all the features and could not quite capture the best of lights at Brigade road... I still had a great time..

Its was beautiful to see Brigade road beautifully lit and bustling with chatter and joy of the crowds.

A peacefull weekend later am all kicked to start my packed work filled week..
Havent made New year resolutions this time.. I came to a point where I felt that its more important to make the resolutions all through the year and more importantly make resolutions that I can keep!!

I am looking forward to running the Bengaluru Midnight marathon soon and am going to start preparing for it soon.!

So cheerios and a happy new year!