Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dreams do come true...
My joy knew no bounds... I felt like a 5 year old.. wanted to run and shout and scream in joy that i had cleared.
I remember my friend Siddharth once telling me the feeling cannot be put in words.. u have to experience it.. I totally agree...I could have laughed and cried at the same time yesterday..
the whole world seemed perfect.. nothing wrong.. a rosy picture around me :) I'd love time to stop :)
Yesterday i could hardly conceal my excitement...I just could not stop smiling...
Suddenly the belief in me came that yes .. Dreams do come true... you have to just "go for it" :)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
And working in an automotive glass manufacturer made it even more interesting bit of news for me...
So today finally we got to see the pictures of "nano"
Aptly named... Pictures and video broadcasts do make it look really small.
Am no expert with cars.. but the specs seem ok.. 600 CC for an will be a little less powerful than the Maruti says my mind..
Aesthetics and look.. well I dont think you cant have all the good things together.. i mean if u have the money u get the look.. incidentally Skoda(I learnt only now thats its pronounced Shkoda) Fabia was also inaugurated two days back.. which looks rather appealing on pics (the price of course ..ahem needs no mentioning)
But frankly as i was driving through the traffic today i just thought.. "Is there PLACE for a new four wheeler?"
Cities in now are overflowing with vehicles.. to top it all, slow construction on the flyovers ,bad roads make a normally pleasurable exercise of driving.. at peak hours close to a nightmare..
Yes , small cars are easy to maneuver... but parking space? is this really there in the City? I wish a corporate would set up a nicely manned multi level parking lot . a good payback.. cos all those hassled with the parking problems wouldn't mind spending a few bucks to park their car safe and secure..(and not in some by lane)
The mismatch in infrastructure facilities and increasing needs of the consumer is already close to causing havoc for many.. Wondering how it will be if even 20 % of India buys the Nano.
Am soon going to be going to Bangalore after a few years now and apparently the traffic condition is the worst there.
Will try and picturise how "nano" will be the difference the "people's car" makes there :)
Tata i'd say ':)
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Two weeks back I noticed that there was a lot of sound of tapping on my window.. Since i stay on the second floor its impossible that someone is tapping on my window... I opened and saw some twigs...
I knew a pigeon was trying to put up a nest in the small space between the wall and the AC.
I pushed the two twigs away to stop it from doing so.
Next day the tapping continued.. I wondered why. This time i took a mirror and saw further closer to the window and discovered two nice white eggs...
(Thanks to the mobile now i can capture stuff easily)
The pigeon had not only built its nest in a cozy corner. It had also laid eggs.
Obviously now i had to let the eggs hatch and only after the lil pigeons are out and trained to fly can I think or removing the nest..
Now, two weeks later I heard chirping noise.. again my mirror came out this time i saw small little grey pigeons..
Soon these pigeons will leave the shelter of their mom and fly high.. fly far far away..:)
Will the little pigeon look forward to flying away... away to discover its own frontiers...Or does the pigeon miss its family too?
Sometime someday, all of us leave the cozy shelter we are in to fly high fly towards our dreams....just like the birds..
Friday, January 4, 2008
Watta ride!!!
Ok Ok.. enuf of the attempt on some drama scene creation..
And today just around when the bus was going to leave for chennai in the evening..someone told the driver theres a huge traffic jam about 10 kms away.
so the driver..ofcourse with the consent of the people who knew anything about the routes there decided to take the Kundrathur route.
now kundrathur is a village type place a lil off the main highway.
Well bumpy roads..watter puddles , overflowing ponds..this was the sight....

Aah now u get the drift!
Hmmm..but i enjoyed it...
One i could look out the window onto green fields.. nice ponds... and generally vast open spaces..and second was the gentle breeze after the rains....its touch on the face...whooosh..can sweep me off my feet..
After an hour we reached a place where the pond had overflown and there was water on the road.. knee deep to be precise....see that..thats from the window :)

So now our bus had to go through water ;))
More bumpy roads and a town life could be seen... thatched roof homes..little tea was like driving through malgudi ;)
And just as i was enjoying bliss.. my bladder decided not to co operate..:) what timing jeez...
And just about 15 minutes delay from our normal journey time..we reached guindy where i alight...
and rush to catch a share auto ...and home sweet home.. one journey that i'd add to my list of favorite journeys :)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Cock a doodle doooo
Phew.. i cant believe I've already done that.. and this i'm saying cos am not exactly an early morning person..(actually to think of it..I dont know what hour of the day person I am...;)
But yeah lately having slogged for exams and having burnt the midnight oil for errr couple of months.. my body clock has kind of changed... I am WIDE awake till atleast midnight..sometimes longer and do whatever but "SLEEP" is miles away..
I tried all the fairy tale techniques, counting backwards , alphabets backwards, killing mosquitoes before they devour me alive...but alas..mujhe neend na aaye... :)
(Pity i cant count stars...cos the mosquito is mightier than the starry night :), would rather fight a couple of them indoors than be skinned alive anywhere outdoor ;)
After the tamasha..i finally manage to sleep.. dont even know which stage of sleep i reach.. REM or dream...
and I hear the alarm..Wake up time...:(( Wish i could get 5 minutes more ;((
After all this what do u expect me to do..ofcourse i find it difficult to keep my eyes open...Conversations and talking to people while working will do wonders to keep me awake.. but then ..
Half the day goes by yawning..and i walk miles across the plant just to stay awake...
I'm reminded of the tom and Jerry show..where tom resorts to crazy things like putting a stick to hold his eyelid up, painting his eye on the closed lid.. he he... what fun techniques..
The only persons happy are Mom's .. who just love it when their daughters/sons have to get up early in the morning for work..... couldnt help chuckling when recently my friends Mom said she was very happy that her daughter went to this client for almost 10 months cos she got into the habit of getting up early...
Am just praying...before it becomes a habit....the work should get over...LAZY me :) signing offff
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year.....
Things i wanna do in this year
1) Work really hard..
2) Go to Dakshinchitra and some other places in Chennai...(I feel really bad that I havent been some beautiful places in Chennai itself!)
3) Buy a dress.. preferably black (Been eying dresses since my Vacations...)
4) Make the jewelery been meaning to all these months.
5) And that jewelery holder that i have in mind ;)
6) Maybe if possible..go to Mangalore once.. old times sake.
7) Go on one hiking trip by the end of 2008.. hope am not asking for too much.. just one hiking trip..and
8) Smile.. Smile a lot..cos makes me feel really happy..
and a Hap Hap Happy New Year :)