Friday, September 7, 2007


Assumptions easy easy to make.. but can so complicate a simple issue.. It shifts ones focus off the issue sometimes..
Recently a friend of mine(Let me call her X) mailed me after a long time, she had indicated her official mail id for us to keep in touch.Her ID had a "3" just before the dot between her first name and the last name... and there comes "assumption"

Another friend of mine(Let me call him Y) just assumed that she had typed the "3" by mistake since it was just above the dot (look at your desktop keyboard, where the numeral keys are ,it will make sense!!) and concluded that it is a mistake.Y said it is a sign of carelessness on X's part to mis-spell her own email ID.
And now instead of being happy that X mailed us after such a long time, with a wonderful thought of reconnecting with her old friends concentration had moved to the infamous "3" in her ID!!

On one hand I appreciate Y for being so observant and actually being able to relate a dot and the 3 to the keyboard layout.. but then.. isn't this an assumption!! Maybe the ID is like that for no particular reason..(and sure enough that is the correct E-mail ID with an infamous 3 just before the dot!!)
It could have been any number.. but it had to be a 3 :)

Learning for me.. Never assume and form an opinion about someone.

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