Thursday, September 27, 2007

Blog the stress away!!

Today's edition of Hindu had an article on stress busters.. Blogging was one method suggested there.(main focus was the IT Co techies)

Being just a few weeks old in the bloggers world, it got me thinking. "Is Blogging a stress buster?"..
Well a part of me would say yes. It gives me an avenue to share my thoughts on practically anything. It makes me widen my thought horizons i'd say.. cos now when i look at something ..even a small picture or a news item, i think.."ooh can i blog on that" "or thats an interesting thing to blog on". In some small way it helps me connect with people as well.. cos in the busy world, in spite of a mobile phone and email being at a snap of a finger reach.. those unending.. sometimes meaningless conversations with friends have got lost somewhere.

But again I think the number of blogs in my case will be inversely proportional to the hours I spend in front of the comp :)I'd probably push blogging to just the weekends ..
Beats me how an IT company person can even suggest spending more hours in front of the computer(for blogging) as a probable "stress buster"

Flip side of blogging that I have experienced..

1)I have become more dependent on the system for silly things like spelling checks. There was a time when I would check and double check for spelling errors in any of my articles for the school magazine etc.. lest my English teacher catches me on errors..

2)Writing on paper has become very very less..those few letters , few greeting cards I got couple of years back have given way to emails and e-cards.I agree they are more convenient but the personal touch gets lost somewhere in the whole deal ;)

3) The few occasions where I do get to write (sometimes forced to !!) like in exams..I have to be doubly cautious not to use "ur" instead of "your" or "gr8" instead of "great".. Aargh the " speed of typing" factor in sms's and chat sessions have really spoilt me ;)

But on the whole..given the flips and the ups.... right now... I simply Looooooooove blogging ;)

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