Friday, September 7, 2007


"Happy birthday to you" just four words on that special day can bring a smile and lighten up ones day...!
Happy day indeed :)
Birthdays every year have been remarkable for me.

I remember days in primary school when i would start counting days much before "D day" before I could go to school in a brand new dress.. and have the whole school wish me in the morning assembly, distribute chocolates in the class..

In high school the morning assembly ritual was too embarrassing to accept, but went through it ;). The "colour dress" was too much to give up even in high school.. I mean what other chance will I get to wear a pretty frock when everyone else is in dull gray uniforms.:)

By the time i reached Ninth std.. moved to a phase of strict no to "colour dress" and was happier in my uniform.

Through college it was more a of a "treat" day for friends, Like any other day spent watching a movie [So now u what i mostly did in "college" (wink)] but lunch would be at an "expensive" Pizza Hut or a Nirulas (they have hot chocolate fudge i can give up my life for !!!)...

In Chennai it mostly meant meeting friends , one day when we would all leave office early in the evening just to meet the whole batch on a birthday:)

Birthdays mean growth .. and looking back yes indeed i have grown up. Each year has been special in its own way..

Simple moments I can cherish for life.. a day spent being happy.. I wish every day were a birthday..;)

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